Valentine trakhir di harbund

Yan's Birthday

@jonathan's house, we studied mathematics together. we are so cute in here, looks plain -,-

when riegel birthday!

mau buat perpisahan buat garland yang mau pergi ke bandung alias ngabisin uang kas tersisa karena tak terpakai habis saat perpisahan. (perpisahan buat garland, tapi garland ga dateng!)

Pak Jaja's Birthday. so lucky to have him for our techer.

Best moment, we 100% pass the national exam, and we shout and hug each other :') (sayang Andrew ga ada)

@library when some students (basketball player) do the exam.

kompaknya saat kelas 7, meski pada ga keliatan!

crazy class, no one can shut up when no teacher in our class

guy in the beach. Mau naik banana bootz (ga mau lagi saya)

my best girls, minus martha(she did the practec exam)

swiimmmming, @swimming pool in Taman Modern (TM)

ret-ret! pas malem kedua sempet-semeptnya anak-anak cowok main ke villa cewek buat ngasih makanan kecil, bandel banget kita! terus tidurnya jam 2! anak-anak cowok ada yang tidur di villa cewek, dikamar tempat barang-barang kita semua! hahahaha

When my friends know about Harapan Bunda, they will said,"OH! IT'S GREAT ON BASKETBALL, I mean the boy" Then i will smile, a realy big smile and answer, "YES THEY ARE MY BEST FRIEND, they play soooo cool!!!"

17 Agustus 2008. (kog gaya gw ga banget sih)
I just want to share several pictures in here, many pictures in here saved many memories.
Their smile means everything to me :)
I pass through my 3 years in junior high school with them. ALWAYS WITH THEM, 31 PEOPLE
We shared, we laughed, we cried, we played, we studied, we got angry of our teacher, we won the basketball game, we maked something not important, we spent our Saturday together, we spent so many time in Maya's house, we sang song together, we(girls) follow the boy when they would compete on basketball, we grow up together, we love our teacher, we got many love stories on 3 years(ehem), we got nickname of ourselves, we studied together fot national exam, we talked to each other like we talk to our best or our family...
We can understand each other by see the face, and we would say,"hey what happen to you?"
We didn't afraid to fight if one of us was hurt by someone.
We did many surprise party, it opened by Yan Mayer's birthday and closed by Yan Mayer's birthday too haha
We got excited of play friendster, facebook, chatt togetherNOW, we just can comunicate from facebook, IN FACT we didn't do that again after 2 months we pass from harapan bunda. I really miss all of you, all of you are part of my heart and my life :') I always pray for all of you, you can still do the best on senior high school, where ever it is. I love all of you, friends. If you want to share to me, I'll always have time :)
I always say thank you to God because i can meet all of you :'''''') I proud of you guys!!!
* From : Maya Putri Panggabean
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